After almost five years of school shows, Duo Percussion is taking a new educational approach. The twosome have agreed to a partnership with Jeunesses Musicales Canada that will see them design a brand new school show titled “Victory...
Duo Percussion is thrilled to be performing as guest artists on the Guelph Chamber Choir’s first concert of their 2012/2013 season, entitled Remembrance and Peace. The main work of the concert is Canadian composer Larry Nickel’s Requiem...
Duo Percussion is pleased to announce that they will be artists at the 2013 edition of MusicFest Canada (“The Nationals”) held this coming May in Toronto, ON. Duo will be a part of the 1st Annual Canadian Percussion Ensemble Showcase...
Duo Percussion is proud to announce that they have been named artists with Dream Cymbals and Gongs. The musicians of Duo Percussion are both honoured by their selection by Dream and look forward to building a partnership with them to help promote...
Dave Robilliard has recently been appointed as Special Instructor of Percussion at the University of Windsor. This role will see Dave as a teacher and role model for post-secondary students who are seeking to pursue a professional career in music...